From new commissions to community projects and more. Keep up to date with all things arty here...
I find finishing stained glass panels harder than starting them!
First in a new series, inspired by my children
A creative Christmas break
The amyorangejuice machine is in full swing!
Art in the Moor
Art for Charity’s sake
3 different endings, all starting with the sea
Cementing and experimenting
Another day, another open studio!
Not quite managed a post a day!
Open Studios Day 6:Bubbly and nibbles!
Open Studios day 5
Open Studios Day 4
A Warm Open Studios Welcome!
Home improvements, home coming and a new project for Open Studios
Trees, fields and grasses in glass!
Under the Weather
A special commemorative piece
How much longer does it take to make a stained glass window?
How long does it take to make a stained glass window?