I have finally been gently guided to the world of blogging by my dear friends Maeve and Kim who helped with my website and feel I am finally embracing the naughties just before they end!
The TRAIL art exhibition in Teignmouth, Devon runs from the 20th July to 2nd September and I will be exhibiting a stained glass and recycled glass mosaic as part of this outdoor sculpture trail. All of the exhibits will be made from atleast 70% recycled materials and have an environmental theme. I have chosen to abstract an image of a plankton bloom off the south west coast and have used entirely recylced glass, from RIO in Ottery St Mary and the waste glass from Glow Worm stained glass, Plymouth and from my own stained glass business. As well as shells and other found items.

work in progress
Mark, my fantastic husband has been brilliantly encouraging and looked after the kids loads whilst I fight against the tide of washing and small child mess to complete this and my fantastic friends at the Twisted Yarms knitting circle really gave me the confidence to do this after a long break from any formal artist activities and I can’t thank them enough.
Check back here to see if it stood upto 6 weeks on the sea front! and all my other new adventures