The past week has been largely spent making hearts for a shop order. It is quite a big order and it is quite unusual for me to do such a large production run. I cut 30 small hearts and 20 large hearts (170 pieces in total) from recycled glass and each one is a different colour combination and unique and I spent several of evenings in front of the TV wrapping the copper foil tape around the edges of the cut pieces and burnishing them flat. I also got a really nasty blister on my thumb from all the cutting (you have to press reasonably hard. I have ran out of copper foil, so the small hearts will have to wait till the middle of the week. Which is no bad thing as I was getting a little bored!
Today I soldered the 4 pieces of the large hearts together with a soldering iron and added a piece of wire for the hanging. Each one takes about 10 minutes to solder. They are then washed and polished and tonight I will add beads and
silky thread for 10 of them. The other 10 will be hung with 2 smaller hearts for my bigger heart hangings. But I think that is enough heart surgery for 1 day!
